Turning Left and Right

SuperDriver Learning Centre - Turning Left and Right

Turning Left and Right

So now you know all the controls, and the routines to move away (POM - Prepare, Observe, Move Off) and pull over (MSM - Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre).  Its now time to turn left or right, the routine looks familiar, at least the first 2 parts are.  We will use this new routine for lefts and rights at junctions and roundabouts.   The new routine is MSPSL - Mirrors, Signal, Speed and Look.  Look develops into a routine all of its own, it is Look, Assess, Decide, Act or the LADA routine

And what is the difference between an open or closed junction?  You can see both ways at an open junction.  You cannot see if it is closed.  See the images for examples.  If it is open and there are no road users, you do not have to stop as there is no one to give way to.  If it is a closed junction, you should stop and then creep forward for a better view.

Remember the difference between signs.   When you are coming to the end of the road you may see a Give Way like the images below or a STOP sign.  Give Way of course means give way to cars from either direction, if there are no road users around you do not have to stop.  Stop means stop (unless a traffic controller says otherwise, that could be traffic lights or police).  You cannot go until it is clear.  If it is a hill start, you may need your handbrake.


Your instructor or examiner will normally say - at the end of the road turn left.

Mirrors – check your rear view mirror first then left door mirror.  Is there anything close behind you or to your left.  If there is, you may need to brake sooner. 

Signal – indicate left.  Tell other road users what you are doing.

Position – your position for turning left is unchanged from your normal driving position, about a metre from the kerb.  If the road opens out, try to steer left with it. 

Speed – as a starting point you should lower your speed by half, and even more so by the time you reach the give way lines.   If you are driving a manual, change your gear down to the one you need, which could be 2nd gear if you can go straight away and the junction is open.  Or 1st gear if you are going to stop because it is it not clear or it is a closed junction.  Keep the clutch down and...

Look – the car must be slow enough that as you get closer to the junction you have time to complete your next routine LADA (Look, Assess, Decide and Act).  Look both ways, Assess the situation, is it clear both ways to make your turn, are there any obstacles, do you need to creep forward to get a better view.  Once you have decided, you need to act.  If you stopped you need to start your routine to set off, you may need your handbrake if you are on a hill. 

Your steering when turning left is to keep the car parallel with the curb so as it starts to bend round then you steer round.  Steering can be difficult, you may put too much on or not enough.  Start by using a little and building up.


Your instructor or examiner will normally say - take the next road on the left.

Mirrors – check your rear view mirror first then left door mirror.  Is there anything close behind you or to your left.  If there is you may need to brake sooner or abandon the turn. 

Signal – indicate left.  Tell other road users what you are doing.

Position – your position for turning left is unchanged from your normal driving position, about a metre from the kerb. 

Speed – as a starting point you should lower your speed by half, and even more so by the time you reach the turn.   If you are driving a manual, change your gear down to the one you need, which could be 2nd gear, bring the clutch back up.  If you are entering a junction that is narrow or has obstacles you may need to use 1st gear and slow down further.  You may even need to stop if a car is coming the other way and there is no room.

Look – the car must be slow enough that as you get closer to the junction you have time to complete your next routine LADA (Look, Assess, Decide and Act).  Look in front of you and to the left, you have priority but you must check anyway.  Assess the situation, is it clear with no obstacles.  Once you have decided, you need to act.

Your steering when turning left is to keep the car parallel with the curb so as it starts to bend round then you steer round.  Steering can be difficult, you may put too much on or not enough.  Start by using a little and building up.  Work on steering well at lower speeds, speed can come later.


Your instructor or examiner will normally say - at the end of the road turn right.

Mirrors – check your rear view mirror first then right door mirror.  Is there anything close behind you or to your right.  If there is you may need to brake sooner. 

Signal – indicate right.  Tell other road users what you are doing.

Position – your position for turning right needs to change, you are aiming to position just left of the centre line.   

Speed – as a starting point you should lower your speed by half, and even more so by the time you reach the give way lines.   If you are driving a manual, change your gear down to the one you need, which could be 2nd gear if you can go straight away and the junction is open.  Or 1st gear if you are going to stop because it is it not clear or it is a closed junction.  Keep the clutch down and... 

Look – the car must be slow enough that as you get closer to the junction you have time to complete your next routine LADA (Look, Assess, Decide and Act).  Look both ways, Assess the situation, is it clear both ways to make your turn, are there any obstacles, do you need to creep forward to get a better view.  Once you have decided, you need to act.  If you stopped you need to start your routine to set off, you may need your handbrake if you are on a hill. 


Your instructor or examiner will normally say - take the next road on the right.

Mirrors – check your rear view mirror first then right door mirror.  Is there anything close behind you or to your right.  If there is you may need to brake sooner or abandon the turn. 

Signal – indicate right.  Tell other road users what you are doing.

Position – your position for turning right needs to change, you are aiming to position just left of the centre line.   If there is a vehicle coming toward you, you will need to stop as you do not have priority.  The waiting position is shown on the image.

Speed – as a starting point you should lower your speed by half, and even more so by the time you reach the turn or even stop if there is a car coming toward you.   If you are driving a manual, change your gear down to the one you need, which could be 2nd gear, bring the clutch back up.  If you have to wait you will need 1st gear, if you are entering a junction that is narrow or has obstacles you may need to use 1st gear and slow down further. 

Look – the car must be slow enough that as you get closer to the junction you have time to complete your next routine LADA (Look, Assess, Decide and Act).  Look in front of you and to the left, you have priority but you must check anyway.  Assess the situation, is it clear with no obstacles.  Once you have decided, you need to act.

Is cutting corners on right turns permitted?  You will notice that lots of drivers do this.  If there is no reason to cut the corner, DON'T!   But what if parked cars prevent you from turning into the new road without cutting the corner, then you CAN cut the corner if it is safe to do so.

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SuperDriver Learning Centre
SuperDriver Learning Centre
SuperDriver Learning Centre
SuperDriver Learning Centre
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SuperDriver Learning Centre

This is a nice simple method for turning left or right. 

Your instructor may show you another way.  You may know another way!